
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

6 Weeks

Isla is 6 weeks old today. While it has been a long 6 weeks, it has also been wonderful. I will admit that those first three weeks were miserable. The lack of sleep was worse than I could have imagined and the post partum healing wasn't exactly fun either. However, it was really nice having my mom here the first week and Ryan's mom here the week after. It was a relief to be able to hand Isla off after nursing (which felt like all I was doing) so I could go back to sleep or get something to eat.

Each week has gotten better and better though. We are starting to get into a routine, although I'm still not sure where most if the days go. It's like I look up and it's 4pm and I didn't accomplish anything that I had planned. I've basically learned to lower my expectations and just try to get one thing done each day, but sometimes even that one thing doesn't get done. I do try and take photos as much as I can because I know it will go by so fast. Here are a couple...

A lot of times Isla wants to be held in the afternoon/evening or else she screams. So I bought the Moby which is basically just a really long piece of fabric that wraps around you and the baby so you can wear your baby. It is a little hard to get used to but it allows me to get some stuff done while still keeping her happy. I would recommend buying it from a store though so someone can show you how to put it on. I never thought of myself as the baby wearing type, but I've decided I'm whatever type will keep her happy and QUIET!

Isla also really likes her bouncy seat and I would like to hug whoever came up with that one! The jury us still out on the Mamaroo. Sometimes she likes it and other times she just fusses and kicks her legs until I take her out. Maybe she will like it more later on.

Here she is in the bouncy seat.

Overall things are going really well. Isla is doing well and seems to be pretty happy so that makes us happy.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Isla 1 Month!

Well I still don't have much time for blogging, but hopefully I will get caught up eventually. Right now I'm still using any free time to try and nap! Isla turned a month old last week. While it is hard to believe she is a month old already, on the other hand it seems like she's been here a lot longer. Here are some pictures we took this weekend. Thank you Great Aunt Stacey for the adorable dress!

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from my iPad

Friday, July 1, 2011

Isla's Arrival

On Tuesday June 7th, I started having contractions around 6am. Ryan and I debated on whether he should go into work, but we decided he would work in the morning and then go with me to my 1pm appointment. By around 8 I was thinking my water had broken. I called the doctor's office and from what they described I figured I might just not be able to control my bladder due to the contractions. We packed our bags and took them with us to the appointment. Well my water had broken so I was admitted to L&D around 2pm. I was only 2cm at the time but I knew they would want me to deliver within 24 hours due to my water having already been broken. I made it to 5cm before getting the epidural, but really the contractions never got to the point where they were unbearable. Getting the epidural was no big deal compared to the scary idea I had in my head. Once I had that, I really didn't care what was going on. It is amazing! It did slow down my labor though so I had to get pitocin to speed things back up. I started pushing around 5am and Isla was born at 6:24am June 8th weighing in at 7lbs and 5oz and was 20" long. She is perfect and has a full head of hair! She was so alert that first day and it was amazing to watch her take everything in.

I'll try to write more as I get time and will get all caught up (eventually)!

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